
Top Ten Reasons For Owning a Yacht

 Here is a list of reasons for buying that new sparkling yacht. Remember that in the worst case scenario you at least stimulate the economy...

10. On land you may be a hardworking financier, but on the seas you go by the name of Salty Blackbeard O'Sullivan
9. Others say Recession, you say Recmesshen!
8. You are an avid fisherman, or is that your excuse?
7. Every time you step on land you get land sick
6. Because swimming to St. Tropez is not an option
5. You already own one, why not another?
4. Your New York townhouse is out of wall space for your Edvard Munchs
3. Every time you wake up you get ready to hoist the anchor, and trim the sails
2. You already drive to work in an amphibian car
1. Each September 19th you celebrate International Talk Like A Pirate Day. (Yes, it's a holiday)